Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A joyous occasion

Back in April, our daughter Elizabeth asked Jesus into her heart! This is something that God has been preparing her for for a long time. Unknown to us, some time back she filled out a response card at church saying she wanted to talk to our pastor about becoming a Christian. In a later conversation, he asked if I knew about that, which I didn't. So we setup an evening for him to come by and talk to Elizabeth. Yes, Brad is the Children's Pastor, but this wasn't something we were going to take likely, and we felt that our pastor would have the wisdom to know whether Elizabeth was ready or not. Well, after talking with her, asking questions, etc, she was ready to ask Jesus into her heart! It's been awesome to see the change in her!

My parents have said for a long time that they wanted to be there when she was baptized, so we made sure they could be here. On May 4th, Brad had the wonderful privledge of baptizing our daughter. It was his first baptism, so he was nervous, but he was wonderful.

In 1 Corinthians 12 - 14, the Bible talks about spiritual gifts. What an amazing thought that my daughter received her spirtiual gift(s) the moment she received Jesus as her Savior! And I get the joy of watching her discover her gift(s), whatever they are, and watch her grow in her walk with God.

Sure, she's not perfect. Yet, who of us are? I know I'm surely not perfect. I pray for wisdom, though, wisdom to know how to help my daughter continue to grow spiritually. Oh, and patience as we begin to enter the beginning of hormones! :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How awesome for you all!I am glad that your DH got to Baptise your daughter! I am sure that it is another bond linking them together. How great that you were able to take some pictures!

Hormones, did you say hormones? Time passes so quickly, too quickly sometimes! Keep up the blog! It's not an easy thing to do, but it is such a great way to share with those that are far away what is going on in your life!