Friday, September 12, 2008

Blog? What blog? (AKA Long Update!)

I almost forgot I had a blog! I think my memory leaks worse than I thought it did. LOL In my defense, I would like to say there's just been so much going on that my brain couldn't handle it all and had to shove things out. Yep, that sounds like a good story to me! :-)

We had a great summer here. The kids & I had lots of fun at Day Camp in June. The highlight of the week was Jordan wanting to accept Jesus as his Savior. Brad & I were concerned about the genuiness of this, so we asked our pastor (who's also one of our dear friends) to sit down with Jordan. So on June 29th, right after church, Brad, myself, and Jordan sat down with our pastor and talked. There's no doubt in our minds that Jordan knows exactly what he was doing or why it was such an important decision.

Jordan's sleep study went fine. I'm thankful for the Arkansas Children's Hospital and how hard they make experiences like this good for the children. Everything from the design and decorating of the main lobby to the caring staff. He got to watch a movie while the tech hooked him up to all the wires. (Although the glue they use really stinks, litereally!) Of course, I was there taking pictures all the way from waiting in the main lobby to getting hooked up. :-) The fire alarm went off in the middle of the night, and I honestly thought it was the wake-up call or something. LOL We've gotten the results back though, and no sleep apnea. There was moments where his respiratory stopped, but his pediatrician said that could be sinus drainage causing that. So all in all, no need to worry about his sleeping. YAY!

Vacation Bible School was so much fun! I was paniced about VBS because I waited way too long to start looking at the materials, but God worked wonders. We even had to do some emergency substitutions the week before we started. We did the VeggieTales VBS, and it was their "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" theme. Myself, and "me crew" LOL, all dressed up as pirates. This crew really got into the pirate spirit, too! I know the workers had a blast that week, and that helped the kids have fun, too.

August started off with my parents coming to visit for Jordan's baptism. What a treat to have them here twice in one year! :-) An even bigger treat and blessing, was being able to watch my husband baptize our son. And to know, like with Elizabeth, that Jordan received his spiritual gift(s) the moment he asked Jesus to come into his heart, is just amazing. And I get to watch him grow and discover that! I'm blessed with two wonderful, beautiful, caring, loving, Christian children.

School started Aug. 18th, and between the two kids, I've seen their pediatrician twice already. Yikes! I hope this isn't how it's going to be the rest of the school year. They both have wonderful teachers, too. I've applied to be a substitute, but only for elementary. I'm not sure I'm ready for middle school or high school! LOL

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